All You Want To Know About CATV Interference By: Chuck Manetta N4YJC Part #2: Searching For Leaking CATV Signals With an FM Handi-Talkie or scanner receiver the audio frequencies will seem to be distorted and over deviated , but obviously audio! On either the FM or AM the video carrier will sound just like an unmodulated carrier. If leakage from the cable system caused harmful interference, it is the responsibility of the cable operator to eliminate the interference, regardless of the cause. If they determine that the leakage is coming from a subscriber's home, they must, if necessary, disconnect that home until the cause of the interference is found and corrected. Part 76 of The Federal Communications Commission Rules and Regulations, which governs the Cable Industry, clearly states: 76.613 Interference from a cable television system. (a) Harmful interference is any emission, radiation or induction which endangers the functioning of a radionavigation service or of other safety services or seriously degrades, obstructs or repeatedly interrupts a radio communication service operating in accordance with this chapter. (b) The operator of a cable television system that causes harmful interference shall promptly take appropriate measures to eliminate the harmful interference. There is much more to be read out of this part of the FCC Rules and Regulations and can be seen at your local Field Operations Bureau if you are interested. In these bulletins, I am going to focus mostly on the type of interference caused to the Cable Channel 18, 24, and 64-68. The reason for this is two-fold. One, is because these are the channels that most commonly experience fundamental overload interference from amateur stations, and, two, because any interference caused by amateur stations to these cable television channels is clearly not the legal responsibility of the amateur. Depending on the ultimate cause of the problem, it may be the responsibility of the cable operator, the TV manufacturer or the subscriber. Now if you are causing interference to your or your neighbors cable system there are many causes, suspected pieces of equipment, and possible cures that can be found. But first I would like to address the situation of fielding your neighbors complaints. Your average neighbor probably does not understand the simplest aspects of radio theory. All they know is that they just spent $1000 on a brand new cable television system and you are messing it up! Well, it is hard to make this person understand that the cable company decided to put their channel right on top of our amateur frequency! And quite possibly, he may never be able to understand. Well there are many areas of the country that have local interference committees comprised of amateurs to help you deal with this situation. It is a great advantage if possible to have a neutral third party meet with the offended neighbor and attempt to assist him in isolating the problem. This third party is most often your ARRL section Technical Coordinator (TC). To find your TC, contact your ARRL Section Manager (SM). A list of SMs appears on page 8 of any recent QST. Above all, and this cannot be stressed strongly enough, be polite, courteous and as civil as possible when you are dealing with your neighbors! This same cooperative, friendly attitude should be used when communicating with your local cable company. There are all kinds of "big" problems that can be caused by undiplomatically just telling someone "It's your problem!" And there may be no practical way to cure any specific problem! It may be that the only possible cure is for the local cable company move their premium channels to another frequency. And I have been told by other amateurs that this is exactly what the cable company in their areas have done.