Well Field Day is over for another year here's some pointers that will make you the "Star at Field Day" 1. Bring that old rig that QRM's every band at the site and call CQ all the time, never stop to listen for a reply. 2. Set up your packet tnc with the Field Day control op's call and have it beacon through 10 or more nodes every 10 mins. or less. Then turn off the computer and tell everyone the tnc will take care of itself. 3. Always use that big old power supply with the bad filter caps. You know the one that makes the light dim and the generator bog down every time you turn it on. Of course turn it off and on every time you get up to take a break. 4. Alway be gone to the restroom when they are collecting gas money for the generator. 5. Check out everyone else's coax fittings by catching your foot on the coax and sliding their rig across the table or onto the ground. 6. Don't forget to trip on the power cords over by the generator and knock every thing out after it's dark. That's a good time to plug the cord back in and rev the generator by hand so everyone can catch up. 7. If you are sent up for refreshments make sure you brag about all the great contacts you made on 10 meters while you were mobile, when you get back. 8. Head home and get a good night sleep around 10 pm then show up the next morning at 9 am and drag out the opperation as long as you can. 9. Do a Full Reset on every rig you operate to clear out all those messy memory channels. 10 Remember leave that dummy load at home, it's Field Day your supposed to tune up "on the air".