Dancing Moose A city man took a winter vacation in an isolated rural area. After a few days of pure peace and quiet, though, he started to get restless. "What do you do for fun and excitement here?" he asked one of the locals. "We go down to the lake and watch the moose dance on the ice," was the reply. "It's delightful." The city fellow didn't think too much of that idea, but after another night of watching the wallpaper, he decided it was better than nothing. So that evening he went down to the lake. The next day he saw the local man who had recommended the trip. "I went down to the lake last night to watch the moose dance on the ice," the city man said. "It was the worst thing I ever saw. Those animals were so clumsy and uncoordinated, they were falling all over themselves." "Well of course they were," snorted the local. "Nobody goes to the lake on Wednesday. That's amateur night."