INTRODUCTION TO PACKET - by Larry Kenney, WB9LOZ COMMANDS USED ON THE PACKET NODE NETWORK ROUTES: The ROUTES command (abbreviated as R) will give you a list of the direct routes available from the node you're using to other nodes. The direct routes are the ones where the node can connect directly to the other node. The quality of each route is shown along with the obsolescence count. (See NODES command in part 10 for an explanantion of obsolescence count.) Any route marked with an exclamation point (!) means that the route values have been entered manually by the owner of the node and usually means that the route is not reliable for regular use. USERS: The USERS command (abbreviated as U) will show you the callsigns of all the stations using the node that you're connected to. There are five descriptions used by the node to describe how users are connected: UPLINK: The station indicated is connected directly to the node. DOWNLINK: The node has made a connection from the first station to the second station. Example: DOWNLINK (K9AT-15 N6UWK) would mean that the node connected to N6UWK at the request of K9AT. CIRCUIT: Indicates that the station has connected FROM another node if it's on the left of the <-->; indicates that the station has connected TO another node if it's on the right of the <-->. If you see dashes between the arrows, the circuit is in use. If you see <~~>, the connection is in progress. The alias and call of the other node is shown prior to the user's call. Examples: Circuit (SFW:W6PW-1 WA6DDM) <--> AA6ZV would mean that WA6DDM is using this node, that he connected to it from the SFW node and is now connected to AA6ZV. N6PGH <--> Circuit (DIA:WB6SDS-2 N6PGH) would mean that N6PGH is using this node and is connected to DIA. CQ: See "CQ command" below. HOST: The user is connected directly from the node terminal. This is seen when the owner of the node is a user, or the BBS associated with the node is using it to forward messages. CQ COMMAND: The CQ command (which cannot be abbreviated) is used for calling CQ, and it also can be used for replying to the CQ of another station. The CQ command is available only in the latest version of NET/ROM and TheNet. Using the CQ Command: The CQ command is used to transmit a short text message from a node, and is also used to enable stations that receive the transmission to connect to the station that originated it. The command is entered as: CQ [textmessage] The "textmessage" is optional and can be any information up to 77 characters long including spaces and punctuation. In response to a CQ command, the node transmits the specified textmessage in "unproto" mode, using the callsign of the originating user as the source and "CQ" as the destination. As with all node transmissions, the SSID will be translated; that is, the SSID will be 15-N, where N is the SSID of the original callsign. WB9LOZ-0 would become WB9LOZ-15, WB9LOZ-1 would become WB9LOZ-14, etc. Here is an example: If user station W6XYZ-3 connects to a node and issues the command: "CQ Anybody around tonight?", the node would then transmit: "W6XYZ-12>CQ:Anybody around tonight?" After making the transmission in response to the CQ command, the node "arms" a mechanism to permit other stations to reply to the CQ. A station wishing to reply may do so simply by connecting to the originating call- sign shown in the CQ transmission (W6XYZ-12 in the example above). A CQ command remains "armed" to accept replies for 15 minutes, or until the originating user issues another command or disconnects from the node. Any station connected to a node may determine if there are any other stations awaiting a reply to a CQ by issuing a USERS command. An "armed" CQ channel appears in the USERS display as: (Circuit, Host, or Uplink) <~~> CQ(usercall). The station may reply to such a pending CQ by issuing a CONNECT to the user callsign specified in the CQ(...) portion of the USERS display--it is not necessary for the station to disconnect from the node and reconnect. Here's what a typical transmission would look like: (* = entered by user) * cmd: C W6PW-1 cmd: *** Connected to W6PW-1 * USERS {SFW:W6PW-1} NET/ROM 1.3 (669) Uplink(K9AT) Circuit(LAS:K7WS-1 W1XYZ) <~~> CQ(W1XYZ-15) Uplink(WB6QVU) <--> Circuit(#SFBBS:W6PW-3 WB6QVU) * CONNECT W1XYZ-15 {SFW:W6PW-1} Connected to W1XYZ * Hello! This is George in San Francisco Hi George! Thanks for answering my CQ. etc. Users of the CQ command are cautioned to be patient in waiting for a response. Your CQ will remain "armed" for 15 minutes, and will be visible to any user who issues a USERS command at the node during that time. Wait at least five minutes before issuing another CQ to give other stations a chance to reply to your first one! BBS: The BBS command (which cannot be abbreviated) is available on nodes using the G8BPQ software where an associated packet bulletin board system is operational. Entering BBS will connect you to the associated BBS. BYE: The BYE command (abbreviated as B) is available on G8BPQ nodes and is used to disconnect you from the node. It does the same thing as disconnecting. IDENT: The IDENT command (abbreviated as I) found on NET/ROM nodes will give you the identification of the node you're using. INFO: The INFO command (abbreviated as I) found on TheNet nodes will give you information about the node, usually the alias, callsign and location. INFO: The INFO command (abbreviated as I) found on G8BPQ nodes will give you the identification of the node and a list of the commands available. MHEARD: The MHEARD command (abbreviated as M) found on G8BPQ nodes will give you a list of stations heard by the node. You must specify which port, by number, that you want the listing for. Examples: M 1 will give you a list for port 1 and M 2 will give you a list for port 2. Use the PORTS (P) command to get a list of the ports and the associated frequencies. PARMS: The PARMS (Parameters) command (abbreviated as P) found on NET/ROM nodes is for the owner's use in determining how his station is working. PORTS: The PORTS command (abbreviated as P) found on G8GPQ nodes will list the frequencies of all ports available.