"TIPS" for PACKET COLOR GRAPHICS by N6QIY *** If you are receiving your packet messages automatically forwarded to your personal mailbox (in your TNC), you may be losing the ANSI codes or ASCII graphics. Download color-graphics directly from your BBS to disk. 1. ANSI.SYS must be listed in your CONFIG.SYS file. (to view saved files) Use a text editor to add this line: DEVICE = C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS When you "boot", your CONFIG.SYS will load ANSI.SYS in resident memory (It remains there no matter what programs you run.) 2. To view your ASCII download file, use the DOS command: TYPE {filename} ProComm brings up the DOS gateway with Alt-F4. (see # 1 above) 3. You must be running an IBM-compatible computer with a color monitor. MacIntosh and Amiga computers also work with ANSI.SYS. 4. To read ANSI color graphics while downloading, you need a program (terminal software) which emulates ANSI while "on line". ProComm Plus, Qmodem, Telix, and CILink have been reported to work. (any others?) 5. To change your screen color back to your default mode, use clear- screen (Alt-C in ProComm). The DOS command is: CLS 6. The TNC must have 8BITCONV "on" and many need AWLEN set to 8 when using the CONVERSE mode. You may also use the TRANSPARENT mode for download. (This is needed for graphics characters-- NOT for ANSI color.) 7. Therefore, your "terminal" program needs Bits set to 8. Parity doesn't affect you as long as your TNC and computer agree (are the same). Parity NONE is suggested. My TNC must be RESTARTed after parity change. 8. When downloading color-graphics and saving to disk (file), use an ASCII download. (ProComm uses the PgDn key) The Alt-F1 log routine in ProComm does not properly save color-graphics. 9. To send color-graphics, use an ASCII upload. ProComm uses the PgUp key (ASCII Upload). You will see text/graphics mixed with ANSI controls. 10. Creating color-graphics really requires a program such as TheDraw (shareware). TheDraw assembles the graphics with ANSI control characters. Animation is also possible but the files become very long. (ANSI = American National Standards Institute) (ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange) N6QIY @ K6RAU.#NOCAL.CA.USA (Bulletins will be TO: COLOR)