A story of historical interest: We all know the story about the invention of the telephone by A.G. Bell, but do you know how close he was to not getting the patent for it? Another person also had developed the 'telephone', but he arrived at the U.S. Patent office just hours after Mr. Bell, and so was denied consideration. This other person, who lost out, was Elisha Gray (a name you may not know), .... but read on. Sometime later, Mr. Gray witnessed an accident. He went knocking on doors to use a telephone to call a doctor - but was refused by the telephone owners. (maybe because of the suspicious nature of people). Shaken by this experience, and drawing on his experience with his own concept of a telephone, he got to work on additional circuitry ................for his version of a telephone that would be available to the public at any time - night or day.............. This went on to become The GRAY PAYSTATION COMPANY! and I bet NOW you remember the name GRAY.