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Dayton Hamvention 2009     Page 2

The Drake Forum - Friday May 18, 2009

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Pictured here is Evan, K9SQG, with opening remarks for the Drake Forum.  Evan started with a brief outline of the forum presentations and told the audience about all the Drake resources available.     Presentations includes Drake Radio Refurbishing, Drake Reproduction Panels, Ask the Experts segment, and prize drawings at the end.

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Here Evan tells the audience about all the many Drake resources available on-line and where to go to find them.    Finding parts and radio repair services are still available for several sources.

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Here I am, Ron, WB4HFN, doing the presentation on Drake Radio Refurbishing and Restoration.  Up on the podium stand is Mark, WB0IQK, assisting with the computer generated presentaion.

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Here is another pictured of my presentation on Drake Radio Refurbishing and Restoration.  Here I am fielding questions from the audience at the end of the presentation.

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