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Dayton Hamvention 2009 Page 3
The Drake Forum - Friday May 18, 2009
Pictured here is Evan, K9SQG, doing his presentation on the L4B fan modifications. Here he is showing how to modify the L4B with case mounted fans serving as supplementary cooling for the final tubes. |
Here is a close-up of Evan's presentation showing how the supplementary cooling fans are mounted on the inside of the case top. One point Evan stressed is the fan thickness. You must use the slim line version, the larger thickness fans will not give you the clearance needed for the final tubes. |
The last segment of the Drake Forum was "Ask the Experts", a question and answer session fielding Drake related technical questions from the audience. |
Pictured here is Jeff, WA8SAJ, and Evan, K9SQG, at the podium answering all those technical questions from the audience. |
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