Add Two More Switched Coax Connectors 

To the MN2700 Antenna Tuner

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Article By:  Lee Craner - WB6SSW


A couple of you have asked about my modification to the MN2700 to adapt positions 3 and 4 of the MN2700 antenna switch for coax feed lines. This modification is for those of us that don't have the B1000 balun and don't run balanced feed lines or long wire antennas.

Open up the MN2700 and unsolder the three leads at the fiberglass terminal board that connects to the B-1000.    Remove the fiberglass board and save it so you can restore your MN2700 someday in the future.

Fabricate a replacement board of the same size out of scrap aluminum.   Mount two SO-259 connectors to the board.    Mount the board into the MN2700 in place of the fiberglass board, the SO- 259 connectors should just clear the rear panel cutout.   Solder the two leads from the antenna switch to the SO-259, leave the grounded lead floating. That's it.

Here's a picture of the additional SO259 connectors:

73, Lee WB6SSW