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Repairing the Antenna Switch In the MN-2700 Antenna Tuner By: Lee Cramer, WB6SSW |
I recently acquired an MN2700 that had a "fried" antenna
selector switch. Apparently, the previous owner tried switching antennas while
transmitting. The antenna selection switch consists of a two sided ten position ceramic switch wafer, with five of the twelve positions used. One side selects one of the four antennas or the dummy load. The other side grounds the non-selected antenna. In my case it was the "selection" side that had two adjacent switch contacts that were melted. The "grounding" side was fine. The correct switch wafer is no longer available, but fortunately, the switch wafer is a standard size. Therefore, most any ceramic ten position wafer will work if it has six adjacent switch contacts. All that is needed is to piggyback the new wafer onto the existing wafer. The new wafer "selects" the antenna and the old wafer continues to "ground" the unused antennas.