Drakester's at  Hamvention 2007

The Drake Forum - Page 7

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The next presenter was Sindre Torp, LA6OP,  a Drake collector having the worlds largest Drake collection.   Sindre told us about his Drake collection and showed several slides of his vast collection. 

Here is a close-up of Sindre Torp, LA6OP, telling the audience about all the one of a kind Drake prototypes, unique test fixtures, and Drake products that never made production which he has in his collection.

Here is one of Sindre's slides showing the Drake SP-7 Speech Processor.   The SP-7, (top picture) is a "one of a kind" prototype, when Drake went into production it was known as the Drake SP-75 Speech Processor.   

Here is another slide from Sindre's presentation.    This is a slide of the engineering drawing for the meter face in the TR-7 Transceiver.     Sindre said Drake was very detailed with their engineering and had similar drawings for most every piece in the radios they sold.     See Menu for entire Slide Presentation

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Created By: Ronald Baker / WB4HFN